Cozy Coupe VW Makeover
I got seriously inspired by Baby Bum’s Pimp My Cozy Coupe so I decided to give it a go! You can check out their tutorial or follow the steps below to see what I did.
Cozy Coupe
Zinsser Spray Primer
Sand paper
Krylon ColorMaster ( I picked White and Meringue)
Blue painters tape
Automotive Chrome trim
VW logos
Scissors, screwdriver, hammer
STEP 1: Disassemble your Cozy Coupe, sand + clean, apply painters tape
Take apart your Cozy Coupe and sand down the pieces lightly. Then make sure to clean all the pieces so they’re ready to paint. Place blue tape where you want to have color variation. I taped the places I wanted to paint white. Spray all parts with primer.
STEP 2: Paint the coupe
I wanted the main color to be Meringue so I sprayed that on the body and then white on the top. I also did white accents along the doors and front.
STEP 3: Assemble the coupe
Put together all the pieces! I had my dad help me with this part because some parts are easier to do with two people.
STEP 3: Add accessories!
My dad has lots of VW’s so he ripped off the logo from one of his old cars haha! We attached it with wire to the front and then added chrome trim to the doors and front, a custom license plate, headlights, VW hubcap stickers to the wheels, and a mini custom surfboard to the top.